
The 3 Types of Income To Become A Millionaire

You need to do something to make money, regardless of taking a very small action or big one. Even if it is just sending emails - that's still considered as taking actions.

If you accept that fact, then it's obvious you're on the right track.

To create wealth and becoming a millionaire, you need to have a vehicle or platform.  I like to name it as Opportunity because IT IS an opportunity.

Obviously, there are plenty of opportunities to choose from today and it becomes "confusing" when you not know of your purpose.


What Is Your Center Of Influence

There are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational. What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.

You see, I was never cut out to be successful in the first place.

I never did well in school - probably because I lost focus, playing around too much then. So I stopped after high school; I've never studied in a college or University before.


The Science of Success behind the Abundance’s Secret

Let me ask you: do you believe in the "Law of Attraction?"

The teachings from the famous DVD, The Secrets?

The reason I brought it up is because the abundance mindset has a lot of similarities with the Law of Attraction.